Homeowner’s Emergency Vendors

Farmers 24 Hour Emergency Claims # 1-800-435-7764

Plumbers and Leak Detection
Temporary Housing
Service Masters

The companies listed are recommended for use, and you may use them without further investigation of their credentials. These are companies that have demonstrated the skill, expertise, and fair pricing necessary to assist us. We meet with these companies on an annual basis. If you experience any problem with their work or pricing, or believe that this company has shown any bias in favor of Farmers, please contact Mike Guiffrida. Remember, Farmers is not looking for the cheapest pricing, or for opinions that favor Farmers. We want pricing that is fair to all, and we want unbiased opinions.

You are not required to chose an expert from this list. If the insured or others suggest an expert, check them out too. If they meet our criteria, and perform well, we suggest you make a recommendation to add them to this list.

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